Category | Amount ($) rounded |
Operating revenue (excludes revenue from capital grants income) | $217,402,000 |
Operating expenditure | -$236,864,000 |
Operating surplus or deficit | -$19,462,000 |
Financial income or loss | $3,779,000 |
Capital grants income | – |
Estates and bequests | $656,000 |
Other non operating income or loss | $2,788,000 |
Net surplus or deficit | -$12,239,000 |
Financial summary 2022-23
Download a PDF version of Northcott’s full Financial Report 2022-23Table 2: Revenue and Expenditure 2022-23
Table 3: Assets and Liabilities 2022-23
Category | Amount ($) rounded |
Total assets | $112,167,000 |
Total liabilities | $52,911,000 |
Total equity | $59,256,000 |
Table 4: Cash Flows 2022-23
Category | Amount ($) rounded |
Net cash (used in)/from Operating Activities | -$11,471,000 |
Net cash (used in)/from Investing Activities | $39,465,000 |
Cash and cash equivalents at 30 June 2023 | $36,018,000 |
Table 5: Ratios
Category | Ratio |
Current assets/current liabilities | 1.57:1 |
Total cost of services/total expenditure | 87% |
94% of Northcott’s total income in 2022-23 came from Government funding (includes capital grants).
92% of Northcott’s total income in 2022-23 was spent on delivering services.
65% of Northcott’s income was spent in Metropolitan Sydney.
28% was spent in regional NSW.
2% was spent on statewide programs.
5% was spent in Queensland.